


teacher, physical education, information and digital technologies, education, health.


The urgency of the problem. The current stage of development of school education in the People's Republic of China is characterized as a period of educational changes, the key element of which is the introduction of educational reform. Recently, models of teacher education have undergone various changes, evolving from well-known and entrenched traditional approaches to more competent approaches. The competency-based learning model is a new frame of reference for higher education institutions to guide the development of their training programs. Learning competence is related to the type of effective actions aimed at solving problems and improving the social context, application of knowledge and effective use of resources. The relevance of this range of issues is due to the fact that the professional training of a physical education teacher is a process of personality formation, development of general and professional pedagogical culture and competence, formation of professional competencies, which are a prerequisite for effective future professional activity and are extremely important for training, education, formation the younger generation. The aim of the study is to characterize the role of information and digital technologies in the practical activities of physical education teachers in China. Research methods – theoretical analysis and generalization of data from literary sources, sociological research methods (School health profiles lead physical education teacher questionnaire), mathematical statistics methods. Research results. We conducted an analysis of the competencies of physical education teachers about information and digital technologies in the process of physical education. The professional competence of a teacher is manifested in a set of professional knowledge, abilities and skills that reflect theoretical, practical and methodical preparation, the ability to creatively implement them in various social situations of practical professional activity in the field of physical education. It was also found out that the educational policy of the PRC regarding the formation of digital competence is quite progressive, this is evidenced by a number of measures taken and the adoption of normative documents that emphasize the need to develop the said competence among citizens, in particular educators.


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