


physical education, students, personal health, active games, various sports, physical qualities.


The article emphasizes a new direction in approaches to the organization of the educational process, which makes it possible to diversify physical education classes and provides the opportunity to take into account the individual characteristics of the student as much as possible when teaching him innovative techniques and skills. Physical education in the mode of educational work of students is regulated by curricula and programs, which are developed and approved by higher educational institutions. When organizing and conducting classes, it is necessary to take into account their agerelated morpho-functional and psychological features. The modern system of physical education in universities should provide for the need to combine physical, intellectual, social and spiritual health of the individual. The task of teachers is to create appropriate conditions for improving these components of health. Materials and Methods. The research methods were used: analysis of scientific literature and documentary sources, information resources of the Internet, statistical data; advanced domestic experience; combination of logical and historical analysis; system analysis; methods of mathematical statistics. Results. It should be noted that among the many types of sports mastered by students within the OPP, mobile games occupy leading positions. These include football, volleyball, basketball, swimming, hockey, handball, etc. They are very common and allow you to develop physical qualities, develop confidence, perseverance, determination, courage, discipline, and the ability to make the right decision independently. Active games in the fresh air have a significant health-improving effect, regardless of the season. It strengthens the muscles, improves the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, increases the mobility of the joints and the strength of the ligaments, stimulates metabolic processes, has a positive effect on the nervous system, and increases the body’s resistance to colds. Conclusions. Summarizing the opinions of outstanding scientists and the views of modern specialists, it can be stated that the game is considered as a certain activity aimed at satisfying the interests of students and their needs, as well as at the effectiveness of physical development and the development of a comprehensively developed personality. Questions about the role of play, in particular mobile play, as a type and method of learning, are revealed in many works of pedagogues-scientists. In mobile games, the most favorable conditions are created for the development of physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, dexterity, flexibility). Active games in the fresh air have a significant health-improving effect, regardless of the season.


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