


physical culture, sports, students, competence, literacy, physical fitness.


The urgency of the problem. Analysis of the problem field made it clear about the importance of implementing improved school physical education programs to ensure the healthy growth and wellbeing of Chinese school-aged children. Literacy assessment in physical culture follows the approaches offered by various national level organizations or academic schools. Literacy is studied for various purposes, including to better understand how children and youth, parents and teachers understand this phenomenon; to understand the level of literacy of the population, general trends and problems, as well as requests of the population, identification of best practices and educational programs; for evaluating the effectiveness of educational programs in quantitative terms; to track progress. The relevance of the topic emphasizes the need to transform the existing physical education curriculum with an emphasis on increasing the time for moderate and high physical activity in the educational environment at school; creating intra-school opportunities for students to participate in physical activity. Physical literacy assessment itself is an important approach to comparing results at the national level. The aim of the study is to determine the physical competence of Chinese students of the 8th–9th grades of literacy in physical culture and sports. Research methods – analysis of special literature on the research problem; physical fitness testing; methods of statistical data processing. Research results. The article examines the physical competence of 8-9 grade students of the People’s Republic of China literacy in physical culture and sports. The indicators of physical fitness that interact with physical competence, which is a component of literacy in physical culture and sports, were evaluated. The assessment of the results in motor tests allows us to state that out of 55 possible points: 8th grade girls scored an average of 48.08 ± 7.49 points, 9th grade 48.57 ± 5.06 points; 8th grade boys scored an average of 45.37 ± 4.74 points, 9th grade 49.75 ± 2.73 points.


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