


inclusion, inclusive education, physical education, physical culture, general secondary education, New Ukrainian School.


The article examines the issues of inclusive education in the context of physical culture in the context of the New Ukrainian School reform. The essence of inclusive education is determined, the importance of creating conditions for the participation of all students in physical education and the development of their physical abilities is emphasized. Difficulties and obstacles faced by students with special educational needs and physical education teachers in the process of inclusion are discussed. The importance of inclusive education and the importance of taking into account the needs of different categories of students in the process of forming physical education curricula in modern schools are emphasized. The purpose of the study is to investigate the peculiarities of inclusive education in physical culture in institutions of general secondary education in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature data, content analysis of documentary and statistical materials, analysis of Internet resources. The results. The key aspects of the implementation of inclusive education in the educational process of physical culture in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School are considered. The main obstacles, the introduction of inclusion in the process of physical education, as well as the problems of equipment availability, teacher qualifications, and the development of adaptive programs for students with special educational needs were identified. The importance of developing effective approaches and strategies in working with students of different categories during physical education and methods of interaction that contribute to the creation of a favorable environment for the successful learning of students with special educational needs is analyzed. The findings. Studies have demonstrated the importance of inclusive education in physical culture, its impact on the processes of socialization and physical development of schoolchildren, and the need to consider key aspects for its implementation.


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