



means of adaptive physical education, speech development disorder, educational process, speech, physical fitness.


The issue of adaptation and socialization of preschoolers with impaired speech development in the educational process of preschool education institutions is of great importance, because one of the most common problems among this age group is impaired speech development. It has been proven that physical education contributes to improving speech, strengthening health and adaptation of children in society. The results of the experiment confirmed the fact that adaptive physical education is an effective means and an integral part of the educational process of children with speech disorders. The purpose. To determine the dynamics of indicators of physical fitness of 5–6-year old children with impaired speech development in the course of classes on adaptive physical education in preschool. Research methods. The realization of the set goal involved the use of a number of complementary research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature and the Internet, pedagogical methods of research, methods of mathematical statistics. Results of work. The research was carried out in PEI No. 652, 270 of the combined type of Darnytskiy district of Kyiv from September 2023 to April 2024. The study involved 44 children aged 5–6 years with impaired speech development were involved, of which 32 were boys and 12 were girls. In the course of the research, a diagnosis of speech development (nominative function of speech and understanding of complex logical-grammatical constructions) was carried out, and the physical fitness of 5-6-yearold children with impaired speech development was assessed. The number of boys who, in the process of naming an object by a picture, distort the sound-syllable structure of the word decreased by 9.3%. The number of girls who searched for the correct name during the task increased by 8%. The number of children who have an accurate understanding of complex logical-grammatical constructions increased by 3.1%, and 3.1% more children allow questioning and mistakes. The percentage of girls who are characterized by a long search with finding the correct picture decreased by 17%, on the other hand, the number of girls who question and make mistakes increased. Positive dynamics were noted in the physical fitness of boys and girls aged 5-6 years with impaired speech development during the experiment in preschool education institutions. Conclusions. The results of the study testify to the effectiveness of the use of adaptive physical education in the educational process of children of older preschool age with speech disorders.


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