


physical education, motor activity, schoolchildren, institution of general secondary education, nutrition.


The urgency of the problem. The problems of physical education of children are in the field of view of the governments and societies of different countries. There is no state that would remain indifferent to the qualitative solution of this important problem, because physical education is an integral part of the education of children in preschool institutions, institutions of general secondary education and youth in institutions of higher education. The purpose of the study is to study the peculiarities of the organization of physical education and sports among schoolchildren of foreign countries. Research methods: analysis and generalization of literary sources, regulatory documents. Research results. With the aim of forming healthy lifestyle skills in children in Romania, public recommendations were developed for all teachers and other specialists working with children, responsible for organizing activities that can contribute to increasing health literacy in general secondary education institutions. From the recommendations, which were developed taking into account the characteristics of children’s behavior, revealed during the study “Behavior of school-aged children in relation to health”, four main measures are proposed, which are aimed at ensuring that children lead a fairly active lifestyle (in accordance with WHO recommendations), regularly had breakfast, consumed a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, and drank only water. “Datos sobre la valoracion de la condicion fisica saludable” (DAFIS) is the official system through which physical education and sports specialists monitor the physical health of Spanish schoolchildren. The system includes various tests for the level of physical fitness, including aerobic endurance and work capacity of the general population, as well as measures to improve the quality of health consultations and recommendations.


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