


military education, physical fitness, cadet training, psychological resilience, sports impact, discipline formation, academic performance, team sports, military skills, educational effectiveness.


Abstract. Physical education in military educational institutions plays a crucial role in shaping future military professionals. It not only ensures good physical fitness but also contributes to the development of various aspects of personality essential for successful military service. The relevance of physical education in military educational institutions lies in the contemporary military demands on cadets, which include not only theoretical knowledge but also a high level of physical readiness. In this context, physical education becomes an indispensable component of the learning process as it determines the ability of cadets to meet military service requirements and their overall health and emotional well-being. This article examines the role and impact of physical education on the daily lives of cadets in military higher education institutions (MHEIs). The significance of physical fitness for cadets is identified as a pivotal factor in shaping their physical, psychological, and volitional qualities necessary for successful military service. The relevance of the issue is highlighted by the modern military life requiring future officers to possess not only high levels of theoretical knowledge but also robust physical health and readiness for stressful situations. The article analyzes the influence of various aspects of physical education on cadets. It explores the correlation between physical health and the psychological state of individuals, emphasizing the importance of sports activities in enhancing stress resilience and self-discipline. Furthermore, it examines the role of sports achievements in boosting cadets’ self-confidence and self-esteem. A detailed analysis is provided on the factors shaping discipline and teamwork through physical education. It delves into team sports, contributing to group cohesion and interaction, as well as the role of coaching staff in fostering military discipline through sports training. Additionally, the article discusses the interaction between physical and military training, emphasizing the importance of physical education in developing military skills and enhancing the effectiveness of the educational process. The goal of this article is to consider the significance of physical education for cadets in military educational institutions. Considering the specifics of their future professional activities, the necessity of adequate development of physical qualities, volitional, and psychological aspects is justified, along with its impact on discipline formation and professional training enhancement. The article explores key aspects that validate the importance of physical education for cadets in military higher education institutions.


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