


schoolchildren, preparedness, Pilates, aquafitness, fitness, health.


Relevance of the Problem. The preservation of students’ health is one of the pressing issues of modern times, which holds not only scientific and practical interest but also contributes to solving the economic, social, and demographic challenges of society. The health of students is one of the most important components of a successful educational process and the harmonious development of a child. In contemporary society, where a significant portion of the youth leads a sedentary lifestyle, physical fitness and wellness systems acquire special significance. In this context, the issue of improving students’ physical condition is gaining increasing attention from researchers, necessitating the search for new ways to enhance physical fitness while considering individual characteristics. Objective: To determine the role of physical fitness and wellness systems in enhancing students’ health levels. Research Methods: The study employed theoretical research methods, including analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, systematization, and generalization of scientific and methodological literature. Results: Currently, various fitness technologies hold an important place among wellness systems for students. The diversity of fitness exercises in physical education is significant. They can be part of full-fledged lessons, grouped into blocks, and included in the elective part of the physical education curriculum. Different types of aerobics and stretching can be integrated into variously oriented physical education lessons, such as athletic, gymnastic, or game-based lessons. They help diversify the methods used in the preparatory and concluding parts of the lessons, adding elements of novelty and emotional engagement. These can include fitness gymnastics and acrobatics, classic aerobics with a ball, rope skipping aerobics, game-based stretching with yoga elements, fitball gymnastics, step aerobics, and children’s Pilates, among others. Conclusions: Physical fitness and wellness systems are an integral part of modern education, promoting the comprehensive development of children and the formation of a healthy generation. Their implementation requires support from educational institutions, parents, and the community as a whole, which will ultimately lead to improved quality of life and health for the younger generation.


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