rowing, functional state, aerobic-anaerobic energy supply, proteolysis, antioxidant protection, angiogenesis, restorationAbstract
Today’s highly competitive world of sports demands from athletes to improve constantly their physical and technical skills. Understanding and optimizing adaptive mechanisms and effective management of training loads can provide significant benefits in the training of rowers. The intensive training process sets athletes the task not only improving physical fitness, but also ensuring quick and effective recovery. Understanding of bioregenerative processes such as proteolysis, protein synthesis, antioxidant defense, and angiogenesis is critical for the development of science-based restorative programs. The purpose of the research is to analyze the complex of adaptive mechanisms and load management strategies that optimize recovery processes and improve aerobic and anaerobic indicators in rowing. Research methods: theoretical analysis, synthesis and generalization; theoretical modeling; discussion and critical analysis; comparative analysis; theoretical reflection. Research results. The research aims to integrate a deep understanding of the physiological basis of endurance and strength, the development of individualized training programs that contribute to the maximum development of athletic potential, as well as the study of effective regeneration methods to accelerate the recovery process and reduce the risk of injury. Covering a competitive distance takes place with the ratio of aerobic and anaerobic work in academic rowing – 70% to 30%. Thus, the scientifically based application of individualized approaches to regulate the intensity and volume of training loads is fundamental for achieving the maximum sports result, which is due to the need to stimulate adequate adaptive changes in the athlete’s body, as well as the need to ensure his long-term health within the limits of his sports career. Conclusions. In the context of the volume of training loads, their strategic distribution and variation contribute to the prevention of overtraining syndrome caused by insufficient time for recovery and adaptation. Adequate management of which, based on the principles of periodization and individual physiological indicators, will lead to optimization of restorative processes and an increase in the general working capacity of female athletes. Individualization of training and recovery programs, based on the understanding of adaptive mechanisms and load management, allows to improve significantly sports performance, optimize aerobic and anaerobic work, ensuring a high level of competitiveness.
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