


health, disorders of musculoskeletal system, posture, sports loads, young athletes, corrective and preventive measures, complex coordination sports, sports games


The topicality of the issue. The biggest problem of modern sports training, especially at the stage of initial training, is the mismatch of physical loads with the adaptive potential of young athletes’ body. As a result, this leads to the emergence of pathological conditions in the subsequent stages of long-term training, which makes it impossible to achieve high sports results. The aim of the study. To systematize approaches to prevention and correction of athletes` postural disorders in the discursive field of scientific knowledge as well as scientifically substantiate and develop the author’s technology for prevention and correction of functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system in cheerleaders at the stage of their initial training. Research methods: analysis of literary sources, anthropometry, video recording and video computer analysis using the APECS AI system, methods of mathematical statistics. Research results. Summarizing the data of specialized literature accumulated up to the present stage makes it possible to state that the posture is determined by mutual location of all parts of human body, it depends on the position of the general centre of gravity, the inclination of the pelvis, the severity of the physiological curves of the spine, the shape of the chest, abdomen, and legs. This means that it is the posture that creates sagittal profile of human body and the shape of their torso. In the course of studying the professional literature, with regards to the study of a wide range of sports training aspects in the field of children’s and youth sports, it has become obvious that integration of corrective and preventive measures into the process of initial training remains insufficiently comprehended and yet not enough scientifically justified. Conclusions. We have substantiated technology for the prevention of functional disorders of muscular-skeletal system in young cheerleaders, the characteristic features of which are sociopedagogical prerequisites, five stages of design (diagnostic, pre-design, design, implementation, control-corrective), purpose, general and special tasks, principles of general pedagogical orientation and corrective and preventive activities, organizational and pedagogical conditions, indicative models of educational and training sessions, blocks of practical implementation, informational and methodical system “Cheerleading Star”. The implementation of the author’s technology takes into account a number of requirements, i.e. conceptuality, anthropocentrism, situationality, contextuality. The results of the pedagogical experiment indicate that the use of the developed technology for prevention and correction of functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system in cheerleaders at the initial training stage has made it possible to improve the state of their spatial body organization.


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