young rugby players, somotoscopic indicators, postural disorders, goniometric indicators, model, biogeometric profile, musculoskeletal systemAbstract
The relevance of the problem. Sports training, characterized by the long-term adaptation of the athletes' body to physical activity, is accompanied by morphological and functional changes in the state of their musculoskeletal system. Quite often, functional abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system are the result of many years of training in certain sports, the specificity of which is insufficient attention to the anatomical and biomechanical properties of the growing young athlete's body and the use of a significant amount of physical activity, which is characterized by monotony. The purpose of the study – to determine the features of goniometric indicators in rugby players with different types of posture at the stage of initial training. Research methods: analysis and generalization of specialized scientific literature. To determine the types of rugby players' posture, the program "Torso" was used. Experimental studies were conducted at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Children and Youth Sports School (Ivano-Frankivsk). They were attended by 30 rugby players of 9–10 years old. Results of the study. It was found that rugby players with different types of posture had specific features of body goniometry. In the group with normal posture, the mean value of angle α2 (the angle formed by the horizontal and the line connecting the most prominent point of the frontal bone and the chin protrusion), which was at 86.93° with a confidence interval (95% CI 86.23–86.63), was lower by 3° with high level of reliability (t=8,287; р<0,0001), which was tested by Student's t test for one sample. In the group of athletes with a stooped back, the median of this angle was equal to 80° (79°; 81°), compared to the norm, it was lower by 10°, which was also determined by the one-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test as a statistically significant difference (Z=-3.419; p<0.001). In the group with scoliotic posture the average value of the angle was 84.14° (95% CI 83.31–84.97), compared to the norm it was higher by 5.5°, which was also defined as a statistically significant difference (t=16.08 at p<0.0001). Consequently, the sportsmen of all three groups recorded significant deviations from the norm in the location of the angle α2 towards the decrease, which indicates the head tilt upwards. It was found that young rugby players with normal posture have minimal deviations from the norm. The rugby players with a stooped back are characterized by the greatest forward and upward tilt of the head. Athletes with scoliotic posture had a less pronounced exacerbation of the α2 angle compared to rugby players with normal posture, but it was better than that of the group with a stooped back.
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